Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Listening to the trees...

I wanted to wait a bit before my next post. I wanted to make sure everything was sinking in...

I have been spending a lot of my free time out in the parks. I try to make it out on my days off before lunch time. I am blessed that on my way to work I walk for about 15 minutes from the train station down a hiking trail next to a river to get to the school I work at. It centers me before I walk through the doors at work.

I am very thankful of the nature that surrounds me. Yes, I live in Tokyo, but I am only 10 minutes from some really beautiful parks. I quick bike ride will bring me in the midst of some really beautiful and wise trees.

The trees have been teaching me to be still. I am starting to notice the separation from my mind and the one who watches...that other part of me. I have learned that the connection to the other is always there. Sometimes we notice it and sometimes our minds tell us that we are imagining it or that "today you are not having a good day...maybe tomorrow you will be more connected."

My mind is cute...like a little kid that really thinks it is "it." But I have also learned to love my mind. Yes, it chatters a lot, but it is learning to be still. The mind's (ego self) job is to think, to keep us safe, and to keep us alive. Our minds help us study, figure out problems, and navigate in this 3D world we have incarnated into. I remember reading that it is not a problem when thoughts creep in as we are trying to meditate or quiet ourselves. Accept them, but don't hold on to them. Just let them pass through...observe them as you would watch the breeze dancing with the branches of the trees.

I have learned to love my mind. It is pretty smart. Sometimes I let my mind know we are going to just be quiet and listen for a while. There will be lots of studying later in the day...books to read, problems to figure out, but right now we are going to be quiet and listen...be aware.

I have to say, that I have thoroughly enjoyed this spring. One of my good tree friends has changed from week to week. Beautiful cherry blossoms and now a nice shade under its leaves. I love to sit under him while I meditate. "He" has taught me a lot.

I have to thank the earth too. She has blessed me so much. I have been learning to thank her for providing me such a beautiful place to incarnate into. We all enjoy her air, water, and food that comes right out of her...from the ground herself. Think about that the next time you enjoy your favorite tea. That plant that grew the leaves came up from the earth. The water that the tea leaves are in. We have a lot to be thankful for.

I love to put my hand on the ground and just listen and feel. It has a quieting effect. I am sure this beautiful female presence of the earth has her own unique vibrational quality. I look forward to getting to know her more...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Of Ravens and Rice Balls

My journey began with a trip to the No Kawa Park. I wanted to walk among the trees, touch, smell, experience...to commune with the life around me. I do not have much druidic or pagan study under my belt at this time, but I trust that the universe, the gods, the akashic field, or what ever label you want to put on it, is capable of teaching me and guiding me. I just knew I had to get out there and listen and watch...and learn in an experiential way.

As I began walking through the park, I greeted the trees that I passed. I touched them. I told them how beautiful they are. I remember picking up some soil and smelling it. A deep full breath...letting the aroma fill my nostrils...that earthy smell. It was beautiful!

I saw how the wind moved along the tops of the trees. I noticed that some trees move differently in the wind than others.

At one point in my walk in the park I was on an elevated walkway of wood. This frustrated me as I wanted to feel the earth under my feet. There was a roped walkway, but I wanted to stray off the path and get lost in the trees. I ached to wander free as I did in my own wood in my hometown on the border of Illinois and Wisconsin.

Soon, I came to a place where I could be on the ground. It was refreshing. The earth feels so much better than pavement. I felt more connected than when I was suspended above on the walkway...being suspended on the walkway was like talking to a love via telephone when all you want to do is hold the object of your affection in your own arms.

I finally found a spot where I could sit with one of the trees. I politely asked the tree for permission  and then sat down with my back against a tree. I took a drink of barley tea. I noticed that there were two ravens there with me. One about 25 feet away in a tree above my left shoulder and another much closer in a tree above and to my right.

I took out a rice ball that I had brought with me and started to eat. I knew that the raven is a totem animal, but I wasn't sure exactly of their meaning. I was also aware that there is no such thing as coincidences. The universe moves with volition.

With this in mind, I threw a piece of my rice ball on the ground about 10 feet away from myself in the direction of the raven to my right. It jumped down from the tree and ate the rice. It stayed on the ground and watched me. The other raven came to the right of me and was watching intently. I threw it my last piece of rice ball to the raven on the ground and thanked both of them for coming to be with me.

They then flew low through the trees and left.

After I got home I looked up ravens on the OBOD website and found this quote: "The raven is seen as a messenger between the two worlds – this and the next – and for this reason we find ravens buried at the bottom of ancient ritual pits, such as at Danebury in Hampshire. These pits or shafts symbolised the connection between this world and the Otherworld, and the raven was seen as a messenger between the two."

I also saw references to Huginn and Munin, Odin's ravens. This is a quote from Wiki: "Scholars have linked Odin's relation to Huginn and Muninn to shamanic practice. John Lindow relates Odin's ability to send his "thought" (Huginn) and "mind" (Muninn) to the trance-state journey of shamans." 

I take this as conformation that I have chosen the right path for me.